

List of regulatory documents:

  • Resolution of the Executive Committee of municipal structure of the city of Kazan from the 18th of April 2014, # 2096 “About the order of design and use of parking lots, including paid parking, in the city of Kazan”;
  • Resolution of the Executive Committee of the municipal structure of the city of Kazan from the 24th of July 2012, #4263 “About the establishment of the Municipal governmental entity “Organizer of the city parking space”;
  • Постановление Исполнительного комитета г. Казани от 30 декабря 2014 года N 7660  "О создании муниципальных парковок, расположенных на автомобильных дорогах общего пользования местного значения г. Казани"
  • Point 5, part 1, article 16 of the Federal law from 06.10.2003 #131-ФЗ “About the general principals of the organization of the local autonomous structures in the Russian Federation”:

«The local issues of the city district are the following: the road activity in relation to the secondary roads in the city district’s limits and the safety and security arrangements of the road traffic, including the design and provision of functional parking lots (parking spaces), ensuring the municipal control of the safety and preservation of the secondary roads in the city district’s limits, as well exercising other powers regarding the road use and road activity in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation».

  • Pp.3.1-3.3 art.13 of the Federal law of 08.11.2007 #257-FL «Of the roads and road activity in the Russian Federation and of the introduction of changes in separate legislative acts of the Russian Federation:

«The following shall fall within the powers of the bodies of the local government regarding the road use and ensuring of the road activity:

            3.1) decision making about the design and the use on a paid basis of the parking lots (parking spaces), located on the secondary roads of general use, and about the end of such use (p.3.1 introduced by the Federal law of 21.04.2011 #69-FL)

            3.2) determination of the order of design and use, including on a paid basis, of the parking lots (parking spaces), located on the secondary roads of general use (p.3.2 introduced by the Federal law of 21.04.2011 #69-FL)

            3.3) determination of the fee for the use on a paid basis of the parking lots (parking spaces) located on the secondary roads of the general use of local significance (p.3.3 introduces by the Federal law of 21.04.2011 #69-FL).»

  • Part.3 art.28.6 of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation: a possibility is provided to bring to responsibility in a simplified procedure, individuals who commit administrative offence by ruling an order regarding the offence, without filing a protocol and without participation of the offender in case if the offence towards of the space improvement was detected with the use of photo-video capturing tools:

«In the case of detection of an administrative offence, considered by the chapter 23 of the given Code, or of an administrative offence towards the space improvement, considered by the law of a subject of the Russian Federation, committed with the use of a vehicle by the owner of the land or other piece of real estate, captured with the use of special technical tools working in automatic mode and having the option of photo and video recording or tools for photo and video recording, the protocol for an administrative offence is not filed, and the order regarding the administrative offence is ruled without participation of the offender, and is drawn according to the procedure considered by the article 29.10 of the given Code. The copies of the order regarding the administrative offence case and the materials, gathered with the use of special technical tools working in automatic mode and having the option of photo and video recording or tools for photo and video recording are sent by post (registered mail) to the offender within three days after the mentioned order has been ruled».